Notes for your diary: (Week beginning 9th December 2024)
(All activities in THE CORNERSTONE unless stated otherwise)
Mon 9th Dec 1.30pm Playtime
3.45pm Junior Singers
6.30pm Boys’ Brigade
Tues 10th Dec 9.30am Walk ‘n Talk Group (Car park)
10.00am Citizens’ Advice Bureau
10.00am Coffee Stop
Thurs 12th Dec 1.00pm Chit-Chat
6.30pm Girls’ Brigade
7.30pm Senior Choir in the CHURCH
Sun 15th Dec 11.00am 3rd Sunday in Advent, Service in the Church
Funeral Intimations
It is with sadness that we intimate the death of Rev Douglas N. Alexander
Douglas died peacefully at Campbell Snowdon Care Home, on 16th November, 2024. The Reverend Douglas N. Alexander was minister of Bishopton Parish Church from 1970 to 1999 and was a much loved minister and friend to many in our Community and Church family.
Funeral service at 11:30 am on Friday 13th December at Houston and Killellan Kirk followed by coffee and sandwiches at the Carrick Centre.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Joyce and all the family.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all others who have been recently bereaved within our community and church family.
Sunday Kidz
Children are encouraged to be part of the Morning Worship from 11am in the Church, and they may leave after the second hymn to take part in Sunday Kidz activities in the Extension Hall. On the first Sunday of each month (Family Service), when there is no organised Sunday Kidz activity, the creche will be available for all children.
Family and Friends of SK have been busy crafting covers for Chocolate Oranges. The children are organising a stall in the Choir Room after the Church service on Sunday 8th December, to distribute the covers in exchange for a donation.
All funds raised will be passed to East Park, a school in Glasgow for children with complex learning needs. Please bring cash if you wish to support this worthwhile venture.
Walk ‘n Talk Group
Meets at 9.30am in The Cornerstone car park.
Junior Singers
Meets on Mondays, from 3.45 until 4.45pm. New members most welcome!
Open to all children of Primary School age.
Boys’ Brigade
Meets on Mondays at 6.30pm. Open to primary school boys.
Meets on Thursday evenings. Please check “Notes for your diary” above for starting time this week. New members welcome.
Coffee Stop
The Coffee Stop is open on Tuesday mornings between 10 and 11.30am.
Drop in for tea/coffee and biscuits. Come and go as you please and catch up with friends
Thursday Chit Chat Group
Meets every Thursday at 1.00pm. This week – Christmas Worship (with Dargavel Early Learning Centre).
Playtime @ The Cornerstone
Meets on Mondays from 1.30 until 2.45pm.
Parents/guardians who bring their child /children, will be responsible for the overall care and overseeing their children at play.
Christian Aid Christmas Card Delivery
We will collect your Christmas cards from Sunday, 1st December, until noon on Sunday, 15th December for delivery on the week commencing 16th December.
Post boxes will be placed in the Church, The Cornerstone, Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Co-op, May’s Coffee Shop, Angie Campbell’s Hair & Beauty, Woody’s, Avalon Hair & Beauty and Sainsbury’s Local.
We ask for a donation of 30p per card. Please wrap cards and donation together before placing in the post box.
Thank you for supporting Christian Aid
Worship Calendar for Advent & Christmas.
8th December – 2nd Sunday Advent -11 am in The Church.
15th December – 3rd Sunday Advent – 11 am in The Church.
18th December – Joint Carol Service with BPC & OLL – 7pm at The Cornerstone
22nd December – Nativity Service (All Age Family Service) – 11am in The Church
22nd December – Christmas Music Service – 2:30pm in The Church.
23rd December – (Mon) – 6pm Carols @ The Cornerstone
24th December – Watchnight Service – 11:30pm Church (Tea and Coffee from 11pm).
25th December – Christmas Day Celebration -11am at The Cornerstone
29th December – Morning Worship – 11am in The Church
5thJanuary ‘25 – 11am Family – All Age Worship in The Cornerstone (TBC)
Please see the flyer below from Erskine Bishopton Churches Together, which lists the Christmas events planned in Bishopton and Erskine over the next month, including of course our own. You are cordially invited to attend any of the listed activities.