Notes for your diary: (Week beginning 30th September 2024)
(All activities in THE CORNERSTONE unless stated otherwise)
Tues 1st Oct 10.00am Coffee Stop
10.00am Citizens’ Advice Bureau
7.30pm Kirk Session Meeting
Thurs 3rd Oct 1.00pm Chit-Chat
6.15pm Girls’ Brigade
7.40pm Senior Choir
Sun 6th Oct 11.00am Sunday Worship in the Church (Family Service)
No Playtime, Junior Singers or Boys’ Brigade due to Monday School Holiday
Funeral Intimations
It is with deep sadness that I intimate the death of Mr. Ian Redpath one of our members. Ian died suddenly but peacefully at home on Wednesday 18th September.
Ian’s funeral will be held at Maryhill (Glasgow) Crematorium on Monday 7th October at 11:15am.
I have assured Betty and the family of our thoughts and prayers in this time of bereavement.
Please remember them in your prayers and all others who have been recently bereaved within our community and church family.
Sunday Kidz
Children are encouraged to be part of the Morning Worship from 11am in the Church, and they may leave after the second hymn to take part in Sunday Kidz activities in the Extension Hall.
If there are any queries please contact Linda Nicholl on 07970 826090 or e-mail [email protected]
Junior Singers
Mondays, from 3.45 until 4.45pm. New members most welcome!
Open to all children of Primary School age.
Boys’ Brigade
Meets on Mondays at 6.30pm. Open to primary school boys.
We would appreciate if any families of former BB boys would be willing to donate uniforms (Anchor Boys or Junior Section) to distribute to newcomers to help to defray costs. These can be handed in to The Cornerstone office (Tuesday or Thursday mornings between 9.30am and 12.30pm).
Girls’ Brigade
Thursdays. P1 – 3 6.30pm
P4 – 7 7.00pm
1st Year – 6th Year 7.45pm
For more information – Email: [email protected]
Senior Choir
Meets on Thursday evenings. Please check “Notes for your diary” above for starting time this week. New members welcome.
Walk ‘n Talk Group
Will restart after summer break.
Coffee Stop
The Coffee Stop is open on Tuesday mornings between 10 and 11.30am.
Drop in for tea/coffee and biscuits. Come and go as you please and catch up with friends
Thursday Chit Chat Group
Meets every Thursday at 1.00pm. This week – Inverclyde Heritage.
Playtime @ The Cornerstone
Meets on Mondays from 1.30 and 2.45pm
Parents/guardians who bring their child /children, will be responsible for the overall care and overseeing their children at play.
Young Lives vs Cancer Christmas Concert
The Young Lives vs Cancer 44th Christmas Concert will take place in the Royal Concert Hall on Friday 6th December 2024. Tickets priced at £20 for adults and £5 for children can be booked from choir members and will be available from 7th October. After this date a booking fee will be added to the ticket price.
As in previous years it is planned to run a bus to and from the Concert Hall (price to be determined later).
If you are interested in attending please contact Margaret Blair, Carolyn Macdonald or Mary Norton.
50th Anniversary of Bishopton Community Centre
Bishopton Community Centre will celebrate 50 years of opening this year on 30 November. We would love to display photos within the Centre from throughout the years. If you have any photos you could share, please forward them by email with as many details you can remember of who, what occasion and when to: [email protected]
Alternatively leave them in the office at the Community Centre clearly marked as to the occasion and who they belong to. Thank you!
Harvest Foodbank Collection
The One World Committee will be collecting donations for the Renfrewshire Foodbank on Saturday 5 October from 10.00am – 12.00noon at the Cornerstone.
Donations can also be brought to the Harvest service at the Church on Sunday 6 October.
The Foodbank continues to see an increase in demand and donations of all types of tinned or packet foods, long life milk, juice, tea/coffee, biscuits, etc and toiletries is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.
Articles for Newsy-Mail
If group leaders or committee convenors have information, they wish to circulate to members or adherents of the church, please contact Ruby at The Cornerstone who will include this in the next edition. |