There’s always lots on here…
Here’s a list of what’s on, and if you’d like an exact list of everything, where & when – check out our Church Calendar.
For the Youth

Playtime is a group for nursery age children & their parents to come and play with some toys, and have a cuppa on a Monday afternoon, in The Cornerstone.

Boys’ Brigade
The 1st Bishopton Boys’ Brigade has recently recommenced with Anchor Boys & Junior Section on a Monday evening, in The Cornerstone. Come along & try it out!

Girls’ Brigade
The 1st Bishopton Girls’ Brigade meets on a Thursday evening in The Cornerstone. Our motto is to ‘Seek, Serve & Follow Christ’.

Our church hosts a CoderDojo for the local community, we meet on a Friday from 6:30pm till 7:30pm. All “programmers” welcome, regardless of skill!

Junior Singers
The Junior Singers meet on Mondays at The Cornerstone from 3.45 until 4.45pm during school term time. We sing in a variety of styles, including Scottish, Disney Songs, Hymns & Choruses. All music is provided and there is no charge for joining this group. We welcome any child of Primary School age.
For the Adults

Church Choir
The choir meets on Thursday nights in The Cornerstone, timing alternates between 7.40 – 9.30pm and 8.15 – 9.30pm week by week. We sing music covering four centuries and in a variety of styles. It is not necessary to be able to read music to join. We sing at concerts in the church as well as Sunday services.

This group meet in The Cornerstone every Thursday from 1-2.30pm. We aim to provide a warm and welcoming space for anyone in the community that wishes to attend one or many of our meetings.
The programme is varied including speakers, musical items, quizzes, games and a monthly worship, always followed by tea and biscuits.

Walk & Talk
The Walk & Talk Group meet at 9.30am on Tuesdays at The Cornerstone. This is a seasonal group meeting mainly in Spring and Autumn months. Please check Newsy mail for any changes to this schedule.

Coffee Stop
The Coffee Stop is an informal weekly gathering of church members and friends and is open to anyone who wishes to have a chat over a cup of tea or coffee … and enjoy some home baking. The Coffee Stop is held in The Cornerstone on Greenock Road and is open every Tuesday from 10am.

Praise Band
The Praise Band plays at family services on the first Sunday of the month and at church concerts. We play in various styles, jazz, classical, Scottish Traditional, and anyone who plays an instrument will be made welcome.
Cornerstone Activities
Maths Tutoring
Monday, 5pm till 8:45pm. Classes must be booked in advance via the Facebook page below.

Martial Arts
Monday, Friday, 5pm till 6:30pm. Classes must be booked in advance via the Website below.
Citizens Advice
Meet bi-weekly, 10am till 1pm. Sessions must be booked in advance via the link below.

Tuesday (8pm till 9pm), Wednesday (8:15pm till 9:15pm), Friday (6:30pm till 7:30pm)
Classes must be booked before attending!