Our Organisation


Bishopton Parish Church operates under the Unitary Constitution structure. This involves the merging of our previous Congregational Board into the existing Kirk Session, which then became the single board that oversees our Church. The Kirk Session Moderator is our Minister, Rev. Yvonne Smith and our Session Clerk is Douglas Hope. Kirk Session Meetings are hosted in the first weeks of February, March, April, May, August, September, November & December. Any member of the Church is welcome to attend these meetings.

You can find out more about our Kirk Session here.


Under the Unitary Constitution, Bishopton Parish Church has multiple committees that are involved with the running of the parish.


The Communications Committee is responsible for our Events, and Advertisements regarding the Church.
Our Communications Convenor is Jack Watson, who can be contacted via the details below.

E-Mail: [email protected]


The Finance Committee of the Kirk Session are responsible for ensuring the financial wellbeing of Our Church. The Convenor is Alex Macdonald who can be contacted via email.

E-Mail: [email protected]


Our IT Committee is responsible for the administration of our Church Computer Systems, Website & Social Media Management and supporting the congregation with Audio Visual Technology at all services. These areas are commissioned into three sub-categories of Audio Visual, Media and Administration. The convenor is Daniel Lyall who can be contacted via the email address below.

E-mail: [email protected]

One World

A sub-committee of the Kirk Session, this committee reviews how we as a church can contribute to support people and communities, both locally and internationally, through encouraging our congregation to think about, to pray for and help those communities in difficulty through natural disaster, war, famine and poverty. Typical projects include: Medical bags to support healthcare in Malawi, Support to Renfrewshire Foodbank, Fundraising for overseas aid and aid at home, Making and showing our Christmas symbols.
The committee offers its service by bringing the Church to the World and the World to the Church. The convenor is Bill Doak, who can be contacted with queries via the information below.

E-mail: [email protected]


Our Property Committee manages the maintenance of both buildings, The Church Sanctuary on Ferry Rd & The Cornerstone on Greenock Rd. If you know some DIY skills, or are interested with helping – please do volunteer! The Property Committee is always looking for extra volunteers to give a hand. Contact the Property Convenor, Ian Earnshaw for additional information.

E-mail: [email protected]


Our Social Committee is responsible for the Social events hosted by our Church. Recent events such as the successful Quiz Night & afternoon tea (both in The Cornerstone) were organised by this committee! The convenor, Maureen Henderson can be contacted via the information below.

E-Mail: [email protected]


Our Youth Committee is responsible for most Youth Groups within our church. Currently, this consists of BB, GB, and Sunday Kidz. The committee is always looking for new members!

E-Mail: [email protected]

Other Groups

Here are some of our other groups, that aren’t branched under a committee.

Church Flowers

Our church is decorated each Sunday by a display of fresh flowers, which adds to our worship environment, and this is made available by the kindness of members of the congregation who donate towards the cost, often in memory of a loved one or a special occasion. After the service these flowers are distributed to the housebound, the sick or those who have been bereaved and this gesture is very much appreciated. If you are interested in helping out, contact The Cornerstone Office.

E-mail: [email protected]


Our Halls Committee manages The Cornerstone, our Church Hall venue in the centre of Bishopton, across from the Red Fox Inn. If you wish to hire The Cornerstone for an event, meeting, or group, you can get in touch with our Administrator, Ruby Gray via the information below.

E-mail: [email protected]

Network Magazine

The Newsletter, an important communications document keeping members and other up to date, was published and issued approximately bi-monthly before the pandemic. The Network magazine informs the congregation of all church and other relevant information and is collated, edited and published by a small team of volunteers.

It comprises a pastoral letter from our minister and includes submissions of articles from various members and organisations which are relevant to the operation of our church work and to our membership and parish.   This is issued in an electronic format (our preferred choice) but printed versions are also available.

Pastoral Care

Our Church formed a Pastoral Visiting Team in 2016. Today, this is made up of 14 volunteers who feel able to spend a small amount of their time visiting those within the Parish who are either lonely, housebound, unwell or just people who may benefit from a friendly face calling from the Church. After COVID-19, the group expanded to create a Thursday ChitChat group for the elderly – which has regular attendance of over 90+ weekly. The volunteers are supported by the Minister and Gill McHattie, Pastoral Care Coordinator. If you know of anyone who could benefit from a visit, please contact us via the details below.

E-mail: [email protected]

Sunday Kidz

Sunday Kidz (also known as Sunday School) is the group of young church members who meet during the Sunday morning worship. At the beginning of the service, the children sit at the front of the church with the SK leaders (Linda, Janice and Laura). After Yvonne’s worship introduction and Small Talk the children move to the Extension Hall to take part in SK activities.

Children in P1 – P7 are welcome to join our Sunday Kidz group!

E-mail: [email protected]