Order of Service March 2nd

Order of Service March 2nd

Choir Introit – ‘Over my head’ 

Welcome & Intimations 

Call to Worship.  

Hymn 167 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah 

Prayer A&C + Lord’s Prayer 

Small Talk – St David’s Day

Hymn JP 128 – Jesus Bids us shine (offering)

Dedication of the offering 

Choir Anthem “Ezekiel’s Wheel”

Bible reading Jonah  1:1-17 (Maureen Henderson)

Reflection – Jonah (video) 

Hymn JP 30 – Come listen to my tale, 

Prayer for others 

562 – Through the love of God, our Saviour


3-fold Amen 

Sung Blessing 804 – You shall go out with joy 
