Notes for your diary: (Week beginning 10th February 2025)
(All activities in THE CORNERSTONE unless stated otherwise)
Mon 10th Feb 1.30pm Playtime
3.45pm Junior Singers
6.30pm Boys’ Brigade
Tues 11th Feb 10.00am Coffee Stop
Wed 12th Feb 7.30pm PVT Meeting
Thurs 13th Feb 1.00pm Chit-Chat
6.30pm Girls’ Brigade
8.15pm Senior Choir
Sun 16th Feb 11.00am Morning Service
Funeral Intimations
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of all who are bereaved at this time.
Sunday Kidz
Children are encouraged to be part of the Morning Worship from 11am in the Church, and they may leave after the second hymn to take part in Sunday Kidz activities in the Extension Hall. On the first Sunday of each month (Family Service), when there is no organised Sunday Kidz activity, the creche will be available for all children.
Walk ‘n Talk Group
Will restart at 9.30am on Tuesday 18th February.
Junior Singers
Meets on Mondays, from 3.45 until 4.45pm. (Note: No meeting on 17th February!)
New members most welcome!
Open to all children of Primary School age.
Boys’ Brigade
Meets on Mondays at 6.30pm. Open to primary school boys.
(Note: No meeting on 17th February!)
Girls’ Brigade
Meets on Thursdays P1 – 3 6.30pm
P4 – 7 7.00pm
1st Year – 6th Year 7.45pm
For more information – Email: [email protected]
Senior Choir
Meets on Thursday evenings. Please check “Notes for your diary” above for starting time this week. New members welcome.
The choir members who participated in the Christmas Concert in The Royal Concert Hall on 6th December thank all those who supported the event and are pleased to advise that a total of £21,563.00 was raised for Young Lives V Cancer!
Coffee Stop
The Coffee Stop is open on Tuesday mornings between 10 and 11.30am.
Drop in for tea/coffee and biscuits. Come and go as you please and catch up with friends.
Thursday Chit Chat Group
Meets every Thursday at 1.00pm. This week – Care and Repair Lynn Blair (Renfrewshire Council).
Playtime @ The Cornerstone
Meets on Mondays from 1.30 until 2.45pm. (Note: No meeting on 17th February!)
Parents/guardians who bring their child /children, will be responsible for the overall care and overseeing their children at play.
Notice from Helpers in the Kitchens
We are always grateful for the generosity of bakers who bring home baking to various events in The Cornerstone. However, many have not collected food containers which are now piling up in the kitchen(s). Regrettably we have to advise that all containers left in the kitchens on Monday 10th February will be removed.
Managing The Cornerstone – a new approach
We have been unable to appoint a permanent caretaker for The Cornerstone, and therefore have to think of a different way to manage access to the building etc. To do this we want to set up a small team of people who would cover the duties on a rota basis, by managing a set period of time. The commitment will be a few weeks across the year. As a salary is not appropriate for this arrangement, an Honorarium will be offered to the team members.
If you would be interested in joining the team and wish to have an informal discussion, please contact either
Stewart Campbell ([email protected]; 07882 305026) or
Des Nicholl ([email protected]; 07929 037906).
Articles for Newsy-Mail
If group leaders or committee convenors have information, they wish to circulate to members or adherents of the church, please contact Ruby at The Cornerstone who will include this in the next edition.
Bishopton Parish Church is the known name of Bishopton Parish Church (Church of Scotland),
Scottish Charity No SC006109