I’m New


We are the Parish Church for Bishopton. We have been in existence since 1815, and continue to spread the Christian Faith within the community to this day. We are a Church of Scotland congregation, and are branched within the Clyde Presbytery. Our Minister is the Rev. Yvonne Smith (BSc, BD)

Our Sunday Services start at 11.00 am and last for approximately one hour. Communion is celebrated four times a year, in February, May, August and October, plus an extra communion service on Maundy Thursday at Easter.

On the first Sunday of each month, instead of the Sunday Service in The Church, we hold a Family Service in The Cornerstone – with the same timings as usual, 11.00am start and last for approximately one hour.


On arrival at the front door you will be greeted by our Welcome Team.

Please feel free to make yourself known to them as ‘new to our church’ and introduce yourself to others in the pew if you wish!

Church intimations, alongside hymnary & a camera view of the Chancel are included on the large TV screens at the front of the church.

There is also space in the Extension Hall, where you can watch the service if you wish for a more quiet area.


On arrival at the front door you will be greeted by our Welcome Team.

Please feel free to make yourself known to them as ‘new to our church’ and introduce yourself to others in the pew if you wish!

Church intimations, alongside hymnary & a camera view of the Chancel are included on the large TV screens at the front of the church.

There is also space in the Extension Hall, where you can watch the service if you wish for a more quiet area.

Disabled Access & Facilities

The church has external access for the disabled via a stair-lift. Within the downstairs pews there are two areas designated for wheelchair users and in addition there is also a disabled toilet facility and a hearing loop system.


Our church services vary depending on the Christian calendar, other major events or national occasions.   They generally comprise of an introit by the church choir, a welcome by the minister followed by hymns, bible readings, a sermon and a closing hymn.   Depending on the occasion there can be variations in the structure of the service.


The church is a side-aisle church with the pew rows in the centre, these two aisles leading to the chancel, which is that part of the church containing the Communion Table, the Choir and the Pulpit.   The organ sits at the base of the pulpit.
The upstairs gallery, which can be seen in the photograph adjacent, has a ‘semi-circular’ seated area which has several small family style booths … and there is a traditional seated pew area at the rear.

Church Flowers

Each week an arrangement of fresh flowers is placed in the sanctuary, this frequently being provided by a church member in memory of a loved one.   At the end of the morning service the flowers are removed, re-arranged into smaller bunches and delivered to members of the congregation who are either ill, housebound, bereaved or whom we wish to remember for some other reason e.g. a special anniversary.

Singing & Music

We have an excellent mixed choir supported by our organist, this making for a full and uplifting experience. Our services start with an introit from the choir and normally include 4 or 5 hymns, sometimes interspaced by additional music/songs depending on the occasion. The words for the hymns and songs are projected onto the screens. The words for the hymns are also available in book form from the Welcome Team, this being in either normal print, large print … and with music. Occasionally, we have the added enjoyment of having our Church Praise Band accompanying the organ and choir.

Sunday Kidz

Children are viewed as paramount to the well-being of our church and we have an enthusiastic group called ‘Sunday Kidz’. 

The Sunday Kidz children meet at the church steps OR at the SK Corner in the Extension Hall just before 11:00am. The group then proceed to the church sanctuary with the SK leaders.

After Yvonne’s worship introduction the children return to the Extension Hall to take part in SK activities.


After services, tea and coffee are served in the adjoining extension hall where members and visitors can enjoy fellowship, a good chat and catch up with the relevant news.

Joining us

Speak to our Welcome Team at the door on the day, or get in touch with our Minister via the details below.

Rev. Yvonne Smith
[email protected]

Cornerstone Office
[email protected]