Cornerstone IT: Open Area

This is the Quick Start Guide for our Open Area Video System.

Getting Started

The instructions below list the basic operation of the Open Area Video System. An optional live link (of both Audio & Video) from the Upper Hall system is available upon request.

  • Collect the TV Remote & HDMI cable from the Remote Mount on the wall
  • Turn on the switches labelled “TV Screen” and “Speakers”. The TV will come on in Standby mode, and you can turn it on by pressing the Power Button towards the sensor on the screen.
  • Turn on your device (such as a DVD player, laptop, phone, iPad) and plug it into the HDMI point on the wall (above the plug sockets)
  • Your device will appear on the screens, and you can now play content such as PowerPoints, and videos without any issues!

After your activity, please unplug your device & turn off both switches. Return the remote & cable to the location provided when you came in.