Newsy Mail (2′ 2025)

Notes for your diary: (Week beginning 13th January 2025)

(All activities in THE CORNERSTONE unless stated otherwise) 

                          Sun          12th Jan   12.30pm   SOUP LUNCH (after morning service)   

                          Mon         13th Jan     1.30pm   Playtime 

                                                               3.45pm  Junior Singers

                                                               6.30pm   Boys’ Brigade

                          Tues        14th  Jan   10.00am   Coffee Stop

                                                               7.30pm   Social Committee Meeting

                          Wed        15th  Jan     7.30pm   Finance Committee Meeting  

                          Thurs      16th  Jan    1.00pm   Chit-Chat

                                                               6.30pm   Girls’ Brigade

                           Sun        19th  Jan  11.00am   Service

Funeral Intimations

It is with great sadness we intimate the deaths of Mr. Ian Somerville, Mrs Elizabeth Dallas and Mr George Robertson. 

Mr Ian Somerville’s funeral will take place at Woodside Crematorium on Monday 13th January at 3pm. 

Mrs Elizabeth (Elma) Dallas – funeral is planned for 10 am, Saturday 18th January at The Hurlet Crematorium (Barrhead). 

Mr George Robertson – funeral will be on Monday 20th January at 10:15 am Bishopton Church, followed by committal service at Clydebank Crematorium at 11:30am. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Ian, Elma and George and all who are bereaved at this time. 

Sunday Kidz

Children are encouraged to be part of the Morning Worship from 11am in the Church, and they may leave after the second hymn to take part in Sunday Kidz activities in the Extension Hall. On the first Sunday of each month (Family Service), when there is no organised Sunday Kidz activity, the creche will be available for all children. 

Walk ‘n Talk Group

Restart date to be advised

Junior Singers

Meets on Mondays, from 3.45 until 4.45pm. New members most welcome!

Open to all children of Primary School age.

Boys’ Brigade

Meets on Mondays at 6.30pm. Open to primary school boys. 

Girls’ Brigade

Meets on Thursdays    P1 – 3       6.30pm

                                        P4 – 7       7.00pm

                                        1st Year – 6th Year  7.45pm

For more information – Email:  [email protected]

Senior Choir

Meets on Thursday evenings. Please check “Notes for your diary” above for starting time this week.  New members welcome. No practice this week! (Choir Night Out!!)

Coffee Stop

The Coffee Stop is open on Tuesday mornings between 10 and 11.30am. 

Drop in for tea/coffee and biscuits. Come and go as you please and catch up with friends.

Thursday Chit Chat Group

Meets every Thursday at 1.00pm. This week – The History of Formakin; Fiona Sinclair

Playtime @ The Cornerstone

Restarts on Monday 13th January and usually meets on Mondays from 1.30 until 2.45pm.

Parents/guardians who bring their child /children, will be responsible for the overall care and overseeing their children at play. 


Last January 15 members of our Chit-Chat Group took part in the RSPB’s annual Big Garden Birdwatch. The Birdwatch is the world’s largest and longest running bird survey and last year over 600,000 people across the UK took part and provided a hugely valuable insight into how our garden birds are faring.

It’s very simple to take part. All you need do is set aside an hour over the weekend 24-26 January and count the birds in your garden from the warmth of your home. Do it on your own or with family and friends. Have a coffee and biscuit while you count, what’s not to like??

Thanks to the data provided by Chit-Chat members last year, we were able to compile a Top 10 of Bishopton Birds and see how our area compared with the rest of Scotland and the UK. 

The plan is to do the same this year and it would be great to get even more participants from both Chit-Chat Group and the Church as a whole.

So if you would like to help the birds and have some fun at the same time you can get the survey form at Chit-Chat meetings on 16th and 23rd January or from Gill McHattie or Tony Baker. Alternatively you can get it from the RSPB (google RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and they’ll email you an information  pack you can print off).

After the count it would  be much appreciated if you could please return your survey form to either Gill or Tony and we will crunch the data and come up with Bishopton’s Top Ten 2025 – watch this space! 

Langbank Church 50:50 Prom

The Higham Quartet plays music by Haydn, Tchaikovsky and Dvorak this Sunday, 12th January, at 2.30pm in Langbank Church.

Tickets, priced £5, are available at the door on the day.

Articles for Newsy-Mail 

If group leaders or committee convenors have information, they wish to circulate to members or adherents of the church, please contact Ruby at The Cornerstone who will include this in the next edition.