Getting Started – Video
For most users, the instructions below will suffice – and are based upon the assumption that you will be using the video system ONLY, and NOT the PA system for microphones. If you are using the PA system, skip to Getting Started – Audio.
After your activity, please unplug your device & turn off both switches. Then, return the used equipment (if any) to the cupboard along with the equipment bag, for the next user!
Getting Started – Audio
You may opt to use Microphones for your activity, to enhance the Audio quality, whether this being for a large group or party! You may also want to play music, without anything appearing on the screens – this is fine!
After your activity, please ensure you unplug any leads, turn off microphones & any devices you have used (screens, rack etc) and return all equipment to the correct location.
Troubleshooting Guidance
Having issues? See below for a resolution!
Screens turn on but to a black screen with a logo
Your device may not be plugged in correctly, remove the cable from both ends & plug it back in again. If no fix, then head over to the A/V racks, and take off the top & front cover of the top rack. Pull out the trolley shelf, and check if Button 4 is lit up (Green or Red). If it isn’t lit up, or is Green, hit Button 4, then the CUT button. If it is lit up Red, then it is an issue on your device end – you may need to check your Display settings.
Screens don’t turn on
Turn off the A/V screens switch, and turn it back on again. If still no result, take the Remote Control and point it towards the sensor at the A/V rack (labelled!) – hit the power button.
No audio coming out the speakers
Check your device volume settings, and make sure they are set to “CHANGEME“, and that the volume is adequate. If no fix, then head over to the A/V racks, and take off the top & front cover of the top rack. Find the AUX2 channel strip – and make sure it has no MUTE light on. Also make sure that the two Green knobs are at 12-o-clock (clock position – line pointing straight up).
No sound from the microphones
Head over to the A/V racks, and take off the top & front cover of the top rack. Find the channel strip of the microphone you are using – and make sure it has no MUTE light on. Also make sure that the two Green knobs are at 12-o-clock (clock position – line pointing straight up).